In this article, we’ll cover methods to obfuscate your email address in HTML to protect it from spambots. Learn techniques like HTML character entities, JavaScript encoding, ROT13, CSS, image replacement, and Base64 encoding. We’ll also highlight advanced anti-spam features from Ecenica Hosting to further secure your inbox.


Posting your email address in plain text on websites makes it susceptible to being harvested by spambots. These bots can collect email addresses and flood them with spam, compromising your inbox and potentially leading to security issues.


You might notice an increase in spam emails or unsolicited messages if your email address is displayed publicly on your website. This often indicates that spambots have scraped your email address.


Spambots are automated tools designed to scour the web for email addresses. They can extract email addresses from plain text, making it easy for them to target users with spam. If your email address is visible in standard HTML format, it’s at risk of being collected by these bots.


Here are several effective methods to obfuscate your email address in HTML, making it harder for spambots to harvest it:

  1. HTML Character Entities: Convert your email address into HTML entities.
  2. JavaScript Encoding: Use JavaScript to dynamically display your email address.
  3. ROT13 Encoding: Apply ROT13 encoding and use JavaScript to decode it.
  4. CSS: Separate your email into different HTML elements styled with CSS.
  5. Image Replacement: Use an image to display your email address.
  6. Base64 Encoding: Encode your email in Base64 and use JavaScript to decode it.

1. HTML Character Entities

Convert your email address into HTML character entities. This method replaces each character in your email with its corresponding HTML entity code, like so:

The provided HTML code will render the following HTML:

To make the HTML character entities render as a clickable mailto link, you need to use JavaScript to decode the entities and then create the mailto link dynamically. Here’s how you can do it:

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Decode HTML character entities
  function decodeHtmlEntities(encodedStr) {
      let textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
        textarea.innerHTML = encodedStr;
        return textarea.value;

       // HTML character entities for email
       let encodedEmail = '&#101;&#120;&#97;&#109;&#112;&#108;&#101;&#64;&#101;&#120;&#97;&#109;&#112;&#108;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;';
       let email = decodeHtmlEntities(encodedEmail);

  // Write clickable mailto link
  document.write('<a href="mailto:' + email + '">' + email + '</a>');

The provided JavaScript code will render the following HTML:

<a href=""></a>

2. JavaScript Encoding

Use JavaScript to dynamically generate your email address. This technique prevents bots that don’t execute JavaScript from accessing your email:

<script type="text/javascript">
  let user = "example";
  let domain = "";
  document.write('<a href="mailto:' + user + '@' + domain + '">' + user + '@' + domain + '</a>');

The provided JavaScript code will render the following HTML:

<a href=""></a>

3. ROT13 Encoding

ROT13 is a simple encoding method that shifts letters. Use JavaScript to decode and display your email:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function rot13(str) {
    return str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c) {
      return String.fromCharCode((c <= "Z" ? 90 : 122) >= (c = c.charCodeAt(0) + 13) ? c : c - 26);
  let email = rot13("rknzcyr@rknzcyr.pbz");
  document.write('<a href="mailto:' + email + '">' + email + '</a>');

The result of this code will render the following HTML on the webpage:

<a href=""></a>

4. CSS

Break your email address into separate HTML elements and use CSS to display them inline:

<span class="user">example</span><span class="at-symbol">@</span><span class="domain"></span>
  .user, .at-symbol, .domain {
    display: inline;

This code will display the email address on a webpage. The CSS ensures that the elements are displayed inline, so the email address appears as a continuous line of text. The result is:

5. Image Replacement

Replace your email address with an image. This method prevents bots from reading the text but requires users to view the image to get your email address:

<img src="email.png" alt="Contact Us">

This approach prevents bots from reading the text altogether.

  1. Base64 Encoding

Encode your email address in Base64 and use JavaScript to decode and display it:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function decodeBase64(encoded) {
    return decodeURIComponent(atob(encoded).split('').map(function(c) {
      return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
  let encoded = "ZXhhbXBsZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbQ==";
  let email = decodeBase64(encoded);
  document.write('<a href="mailto:' + email + '">' + email + '</a>');

The result of this code will render the following HTML on the webpage:

<a href=""></a>

Advanced Anti-Spam Features with Ecenica Hosting

In addition to the methods above, Ecenica Hosting provides advanced anti-spam features. Our service includes cutting-edge spam filters, email authentication protocols, and security measures to keep your inbox clean. Enable these features in your Ecenica Hosting control panel for added protection.


While these obfuscation techniques help reduce the risk of email address harvesting, they are not foolproof against all scraping methods. Combining these techniques with advanced anti-spam measures offers a robust defense against unwanted emails. If you need further assistance, our support team is ready to help!

Further Reading

For more information on email obfuscation and spam prevention, check out these resources:

  1. W3Schools – HTML Character Entities – Learn more about HTML character entities and how to use them to protect email addresses.
  2. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) – Email Obfuscation – A guide to creating mailto links and tips on obfuscating email addresses in HTML.
  3. OWASP – Email Obfuscation – Security-focused overview of email obfuscation techniques and their effectiveness.
  4. SpamAssassin – Email Filtering – Information about SpamAssassin, an open-source project for filtering spam.
  5. Stack Overflow – Best Practices for Email Obfuscation – Community discussion and advice on the best practices for email obfuscation.
  6. Google Web Fundamentals – Protecting Your Users from Spam – Google’s recommendations on safeguarding users from spam and protecting privacy.