Important Note: Commencing 1st March 2022, Ecenica no longer supports new transfers-in in for the .ru extensions. If you already own a .ru domain with Ecenica prior to 1st March 2022, you can continue to renew your existing .ru domain.

You can transfer your Russian .ru domain names using the steps below.

Step 1. Order your .ru domain transfer with Ecenica

  1. Search for your domain name using our domain checker
  2. Tick I own this – Transfer
  3. Click Add to Basket
  4. Complete the checkout to order your .ru domain transfer from Ecenica

Step 2. Transferring your .ru domain from RU-Center

Follow these steps after you have ordered your .RU domain transfer with Ecenica.

  1. Open
  2. Click Login at the top right corner
  3. Enter your NIC-D and Password. Click Login
    If you have forgotten your NIC-D or password click Forgot password or contract number.
  4. After login, click Change partner under Form
  5. Enter 10518 for Partner contract number
  6. Click Transfer

If you do not have your NIC-D details and cannot recover them using the Forgot password or contract number link then please contact your current .ru domain registrar for help.


If the Transfer of your .ru domain name is not completed within 30 days then the transfer request will be cancelled.