In this article we describe how to change the PrestaShop URL settings to use a new domain.

Steps to change URL settings in PrestaShop version 1.7

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin panel.
  2. Click Shop Parameters > Traffic & URLs.
  3. Scroll down to the Set shop URL section.
  4. Change Shop domain to your new domain.
  5. Change SSL domain to your new domain.
  6. Set Base URI to your shop path. For most installs this is /. If you use a subdirectory the Base URI is the folder name.
  7. Click Save.

Steps to change URL settings in PrestaShop version 1.6

  1. Log in to your PrestaShop admin panel.
  2. Click Preferences > SEO & URLs.
  3. Scroll down to the Set shop URL section.
  4. Change Shop domain to your new domain.
  5. Change SSL domain to your new domain.
  6. Set Base URI to your shop path. For most installs this is /. If you use a subdirectory the Base URI is the folder name.
  7. Click Save.