Hosting Services
For your convenience we automatically renew all hosting services (Cloud Hosting, Web Hosting, Email Hosting, Cloud Servers, VPS). This ensures your service remains online free from any disruption. All you need to do is ensure you have a valid card. You can check and update your payment details using the steps at this link How do I update my payment card?
When your Ecenica hosting service is due for renewal our billing system will automatically raise an invoice 7 days before your service’s renewal date and notify you by email.
Your payment for your hosting service renewal will be automatically taken on the day your service is due to renew.
When we take payment, we’ll send an email to your Ecenica contact email addresses letting you know your service has been renewed. If the payment fails or your card has expired we’ll send an email to let you know.
We provide 7 days grace on hosting services. If we have not successfully taken payment after 7 days your hosting service will be suspended and an suspension notification email will be sent to your Ecenica contact email addresses.
If your Ecenica service has expired or suspended and you’d like to renew it, simply log in to Ecenica Dashboard and pay your overdue invoice(s). For help logging in please see How do I log into Ecenica Dashboard
If your service has not been renewed after 30 days we will terminate your hosting service and securely remove all your hosting service data and backups.
It’s not possible to disable the automatic renewal of your hosting service and renew manually. If you do not wish to renew your hosting service you will need to submit a cancellation request.
Domain Names
See How do I renew my domains for details on how we renew your domain names.