These are frequently asked questions about domain names., domain name registration and domain name transfers.
What country uses domains? is a Internet country code second-level domain (ccSLD) for Australia.
How long have domains been available? domain names have been available for registration since 1986.
Who can register domain names?
Any company or individual who meets one of following can register a domain name;
- Australian Company
- Registered business in any Australian state
- Australian partnership or sole trader
- Overseas company licensed to trade in Australia
- Australian Trade Mark Owner
- Australian Commercial Statutory Body
- Australian Incorporated Association
- Australian Commercial Statutory Body
Can I register an domain name but have the owner/contact details registered to my company, client, friend or family member?
Yes. You can enter the contact details for the company you wish to register the to during checkout.
Can a UK company register an
Yes. Any UK company that has registered Australian business, holds an Australian trade mark or has a license to trade in Australia meets can register a
How long can I register a for?
You can register a for 2 years
How long can I renew a for?
You can renew a for 2 years at a time
What is the Eligibility ID Type for domains?
Choose one of the following for the Eligibility ID Type
- Australian Business Number (ABN)
- Australian Company Number (ACN)
- Australian Capital Territory Business Number (ACT BN)
- Northern Territory Business Number (NT BN)
- New South Wales Business Number (NSW BN)
- Queensland Business Number (QLD BN)
- South Australia Business Number (SA BN)
- Tasmania Business Number (TAS BN)
- Victoria Business Number (VIC BN)
- Western Australia Business Number (WA BN)
- Trademark (TM)
- Other
What is the Eligibility ID for domain names?
This is, for example, your Australian Business Number (ABN)
Are valid details required to register a
Yes, when we register a domain name these details are automatically checked by auDA, the governing registrar for all .au domain names.