We describe how you can blacklist and whitelist email addresses and domain names using Spam Filters (powered by SpamAssassin™) in cPanel.

Blacklisting an email address will block emails from the sender from reaching your inbox.

Whitelisting and email address will mean emails will bypass the Spam Filters and will be delivered to your email account inbox.


  1. How-to access Spam Filter Settings
  2. How-to Whitelist an Email Address
  3. How-to Whitelist a Domain
  4. How-to Blacklist an Email Address
  5. How-to Blacklist a Domain
  6. How-to delete an existing whitelist/blacklist

How-to access Spam Filter Settings

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. Click Spam Filters in the Email section.
  3. Click Show Additional Configurations under Advanced Settings.

How-to Whitelist an Email Address

Allow a single email address to bypass your spam filters using the steps below.

  1. Click Edit Spam Whitelist Settings under Additional Configurations.
  2. Click Add A New “whitelist_from” item.
  3. Enter the email address you want to whitelist in a whitelist_from field. For example, info@example.com
  4. To whitelist additional email addresses, click Add A New “whitelist_from” item and enter an additional email address.
  5. Click Update Whitelist (whitelist_from) to save.

How-to Whitelist a Domain

To whitelist all emails sent from anyone at a particular domain you can enter a wildcard entry using the steps below.

  1. Access Edit Spam Whitelist Settings (see above) and click Add A New “whitelist_from” item.
  2. In the whitelist_from field enter *@example.com – Replacing example.com with the domain name you wish to allow – to whitelist everyone from the domain example.com.
  3. Click Update Whitelist (whitelist_from) to save.

How-to Blacklist an Email Address

Block a single email address from sending email to you.

  1. Click Edit Spam Blacklist Settings under Additional Configurations.
  2. Click Add A New “blacklist_from” item.
  3. Enter the email address you want to blacklist in a blacklist_from field. For example, info@example.com
  4. To blacklist additional email addresses, click Add A New “blacklist_from” item and enter an additional email address.
  5. Click Update Blacklist (blacklist_from) to save.

How-to Blacklist a Domain

Block all emails sent from anyone at a particular domain using a wildcard blacklist entry using the steps below.

  1. Access Edit Spam Whitelist Settings (see above) and click Add A New “blacklist_from” item.
  2. In the blacklist_from field enter *@example.com – Replacing example.com with the domain name you wish to block – to blacklist everyone from the domain example.com.
  3. Click Update Blacklist (blacklist_from) to save.

How-to remove existing whitelist or blacklist settings.

To delete an existing blacklist or whitelist entry, click the X next to the entry.

The whitelist/blacklist will be immediately removed from your Spam Filter settings.