Error 508 means your website has reached one or more of your web hosting package’s virtual resource limits for CPU usage, RAM usage, I/O usage or Entry Processes.
The 508 error is shown when your account is exceeding one of your allocated resource limits. You can check the resource usage of your web hosting account at any time by logging into cPanel and clicking CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage. Optimising your website or upgrading your web hosting to a package with higher resource limits may be required.
Steps to resolve 508 Resource Limit Is Reached Errors
- Disable plugins or modules in your website to lower your resource usage.
- Enable CloudFlare.
- If you use WordPress, see our special article Fix High CPU load WordPress
- If the 508 error keeps appearing then consider upgrading your web hosting to a package with higher resource limits. For help, contact us and we’ll be happy to recommend the best option for you.