We’re changing the dates your Ecenica Cloud Server Unmanaged and Ecenica Cloud Server Managed Servers are billed to the 1st of the Month, effective from 1st April 2021.
What’s changing?
From 1st April 2021 all Ecenica Cloud Servers (Unmanaged and Managed) will now be billed on the 1st of each Month.
Who does it apply to?
This change applies to Ecenica Cloud Server customers only. Our shared-hosting services including WordPress Hosting, Web Hosting, Email Hosting and domain registrations will be billed as normal.
Why are we changing?
- Streamline billing
- Easier management
- Less invoices/paperwork
- Combine services
Benefits of moving to the 1st of each Month
We hope that whilst this change is small, it will make a big improvement in how your Ecenica Cloud Server is billed.
- More memorable dates.
- Multiple servers will now share the same billing date – If you have multiple servers then all of these will be combined into one single monthly invoice, instead of you having to account for separate invoices. Reducing your paperwork and time spent accounting.
- Easier upgrades – Bringing our billing date inline with our license vendors including cPanel, CloudLinux, Imunify360, JetBackup and LiteSpeed makes it easier for you to change your Ecenica server’s licenses mid-way through the billing term.
When will the change take effect?
The change will automatically take effect from 1st April 2021.
Have a question?
We’re here to help. If have questions please contact your Account Manager via Support Ticket
Will my Ecenica Cloud Server price stay the same?
Yes your monthly price will stay the same.
I’m already billed on the first of the month, Will the change impact me?
No. The change only applies if you pay for your Ecenica Cloud server on any date after the 1st.
Will the change result in me paying double?
No. We will create a smaller pro-rata invoice to bring your service in-line with the 1st and then after which you will be invoiced normally.
Can I keep my current billing date?
If you think the change to the billing date may cause you problems please get in touch to discuss options.
About Ecenica Managed Cloud Servers
Ecenica Managed Cloud Servers are fast, reliable and secure VPS servers hosted on our Ecenica Cloud Infrastructure.
If your online business has exploded in demand in the last year and your website is now struggling to meet the increased demand then now may be the time to consider upgrading to an Ecenica Managed Cloud Server.
Our Managed Servers provide fast performance, security and stability to host the most demanding apps. Each Ecenica server undergoes our custom optimization and our server experts will work with you to configure your Ecenica server for your website or web app needs. Helping you to focus on the day-to-day running and success of your business.
If you’re looking to take your website hosting to the next level with an Ecenica Managed Cloud Server then please contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.
Learn more about Ecenica Cloud Servers